Blue Hill Real Estate

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Blue Hill Peninsula is a charming town and has a rich cultural life; the town is alive with the arts and small business.

Blue Hill is on the way to the Blue Hill peninsula and surrounding communities. This area of Maine is home for many artists and is culturally very sensitive.

Blue Hill Maine home for sale

A custom built home in Blue Hill Maine

The Blue Hill area includes the beautiful communities of Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, and Penobscot. Neighboring Sedgwick and Deer Isle/Stonington are well known for their water related activities and thriving year-round communities.

Blue Hill is situated on Union River Bay, in the southwestern part of Hancock County, only 14 miles southwest of Ellsworth. Surry is located on the northeast, Penobscot on the northwest, Brooksville and Sedgwick on the southwest and Union River Bay to the Southeast.

Maine lake real estate

View on a lake in Maine at sunset

The name, Blue Hill, comes from a commanding elevation of land near the center of the town. The ascent begins at the shore of the bay, continuing in a gradual ascent for about a mile. Near the top is a dramatic rise of a huge mass of rock that forms the peak.

The top of Blue Hill is 950 feet above sea level. The hills of Blue Hill have extended and charming views on every side. The name Blue Hill comes from the trees that cover the area – these evergreens give a very dark blue tint when viewed from a distance.

Blue Hill real estate is a treasure to own in an area that is rich in culture and diversity.

Click here to see Blue Hill Area Real Estate listings as well as other excellent Maine waterfront properties.

Coastal homes in Maine

Mansion on a cliff near Blue Hill Maine